Every now and then I get a new perspective on an old phrase. That’s what happened last week. Jeff, our son-in-law, was driving our car north to Great Wolf Lodge in Centralia for some family R & R. Like Dick, he drives with a destination in mind while I still tend to think that the journey is part of the adventure. Therefore when I read the sign “Historical Marker Ahead” in a vain effort to imply that we could in fact stop and read about the historical activity that resulted in this location being special, I was not surprised when he sailed on by.
However, his observation was a surprise: Do you suppose that Historical Marker’s a really old Sharpie? I’ll never look at Historical Markers the same way again.
Great Wolf Lodge was a huge success - a nice family-oriented destination. Granted, it took four adults to keep tabs on one 2 1/2 year old. Alex, with his new buzz cut, loved everything - wide-open places to run, water to play in, an arcade filled with buttons and lights, and best of all this huge carved bear chair to sit on. It was a fun place for everyone, we had a great time and will go again.
Hope you have a good week!